Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Thoughts: David Banner

I was on my work yesterday, and I didn't get to really listen to the whole interview, but David Banner was on, and he hit a number of interesting points.

He started off talking about the music he makes and what he wants to do. This part was interesting because he spoke about giving back to the community. But at the same time how the community is not supporting him. He basically said, don't get mad at people that sell out, because they have to eat. If you never go out there and buy an album these artists will never make money. I admit I download music. But I still go out there and buy it too. Nevertheless, some of these people go out there and do good things for the community. And by buying their albums, or whatever we are supporting our community or at least a community that needs it.

Next, he talked about being a decent person. He talked about people screwing over people that care for them. I've heard a lot of similar situations. And I would never intentionally screw someone I cared about over. He recalled a time, where he kept money in a jar for savings, but these people who begged him for help, kept stealing the money from him. I understand desperate people do desperate things. But he's already helping you out, he's already showing you he cares, and no you're trying to put him out in the cold. That's ruthless, because honestly, if someone is doing that for me, I would take more suffering if it meant that they were living better. That goes for all of you. Because I love you guys. Haha.

Last, he talked about making it big. About how you can't make it big in your home town. Because too many people already have an image of you. What you are and what you were like. So in some ways, it's harder for them to take you seriously. This one seemed logical, but at the same time, there are always exceptions.

If I can find the interview, I'll include a link.

Start the new year off right people. Be good to each other.

1 comment:

beetea said...

dang i need to check out that interview, its always good to listen to the stories of people who worked hard to be where they're at. bomb$hell love.