Monday, January 14, 2008

This Book Will Change Your Life: Day 12

Day 12:
I had a discussion with a few people this weekend about this. What exactly is my type. I mean, if you go through my history, there does not seem to be any kind of template to the girls that I find interest in. So this is what I figure I wanted. I girl that's down to chill and watch a movie, that likes to get dressed up when going out, but doesn't always feel the need to or at least does it for the right reasons. A girl that I can talk to and is down to party. And a definite plus, one that's down to chill and play a videogame every now and then. Haha. But on first site, I would say a girl who has found her style and is comfortable in it.

Day 13:
Write a letter to a serial killer and send it to him/her.

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