Tuesday, January 1, 2008

This Book Will Change Your Life: Day 1

Day 1: was actually just a warm up day. That's what it said to do and it offered a few little suggestions. There was, for example, learn to play chopsticks on the piano, hold the phone up to a different ear, set up your clocks to exactly the same time, name your genitalia or my personal favorite, go on a one-minute hunger strike.

I decided to get a lot of warm up in so I did a number of them. So far I've yet to feel the change, but I kind of see where this might be heading. I think this book is essentially, your gateway to adulthood. It makes you do all these things that you wouldn't ever think of doing, so that by the time the year is over, you've been there, and you've done that. But this is day 1 and we'll see where this one is headed.

DAY 2's TASK: Gaze at everyone wondering whether they might be the one true love of your life, the one destined for you and you alone, and whether you might be passing them by forever... act in consequence.


Vanessa said...

my freshman year roommate jessica loved that book. she gave me it for xmas that year. she told me a story about how she did a lot of the things on the list with one of her friends from high school. and i remember it was a bridge between them, their common ground, their bond.

i just thought about it when i read the post.

p.s. have you ever read the perks of being a wallflower? was totally my favorite book in high school and i just picked it up today.

RANDOMMM i know.

JLeague said...

hmm i like the idea... ill give it a look

virg said...

I've heard of that book, but I never read it... I actually just heard the title before but I don't know what it's about. I bet if anything my sister might have it. Book wormage over there.. haha

but this book would be a lot more fun if I had a partner to do this with