Monday, January 14, 2008

This Book Will Change Your Life: Day 13

Day 13: Send a letter to a mass murderer
I'm going to write my letter on here. Copy and paste it to a word document and send it out to him.

Dear Mr. Manson,
To be honest, I know who you are, and what you have done but I figured it would be nice to hear what you have to say. There have been a lot of really good stories or perhaps myths about what you are capable of, and I thought it would be nice to get a conversation going with you. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have a lot of ideas running through your head? I heard once that you were so convincing that they have to switch out your guards once a month. To be honest, I really just want to know what you think about on a day to day basis. I'm sure you have some very intriguing ideas. For example, what do you think would make the world a better place? Who would you vote for this presidential election? It would be nice to hear from you.

Day 14:
A Day of Compliments: Compliment someone today and see if it indeed does get you anywhere.

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