Thursday, January 17, 2008

Argument Hour: Controversy

Let me tell you, I watch ESPN with a passion. I don't get all these sports channels so I get my coverage from ESPN. And all day today, they were talking about Golfweek and their coverage of Kelly Tilghman's remarks toward Tiger Woods. During her commentary of Tiger Woods on the tour she said, "Lynch him in a back alley" which in turn was covered in Golfweek with that stunning photo shown above.

Now there are a few things I want to cover in this. And once again, take your own angle and go ahead and argue with me. I agree, that an image of a noose, and the thoughts of lynching are sore spots when it comes to anyone of color. And I do think that the thoughts that are provoked when these things do come up aren't exactly positive. But I do think it has come to a point where things need to be taken at face value. The media, and these announcers are not really saying that some one should go kidnap Tiger Woods and hang him for what he is doing, and especially not for being black.

What I do think, is that we need to start to re associate the thoughts and images that seemingly come hand in hand with the words noose and lynch. Just like the many other things, that come with bad stereotypes. Because if you continue on with these thoughts, they are just going to bring more drama, and less equality. And isn't that what we're all fighting for, this equal opportunity to do what we want, and as we please, mind you that this is as long as it does not harm anyone else.

For example, when you think of Germans what is the first thing that comes to mind? Nazis? I know for all too many of you this is what happens. And I'm not blaming you. I'm just encouraging you to think of something else. All throughout high school I got shit for taking German, and all too often jokes were said that didn't necessarily hurt me, but would probably strike a chord with someone else. I'm not saying let's forget the past, what I am saying, is let's be open and take things at face value. Don't say things unless you truly know it's origin and what image you may be portraying.

We need to get past the point of, racial stereotypes. Yes I know, I know I know I know. Easier said than done, but I would like to reiterate this because we're living in a new age, and people did not fight for this, for it to make no difference. Take in prior accounts, but don't let it cloud your judgement.

Lastly, the magazine is there to strike up controversy. The magazine, and those who make it want you to read it. And honestly, I wouldn't ever read Golfweek, but maybe I'll read this one. Face value people! Recognize the reference but don't misinterpret!

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