Saturday, January 12, 2008

This Book Will Change Your Life: Day 11

Day 11: Introduce Yourself to someone you know but never speak to.

To be honest, I did not get the opportunity to do this. I didn't actually see someone I knew but never spoke to. My neighbors weren't around because I was at my cousin's. I knew everyone in the house. I went out, but to the city and I really don't know anyone there. All day I was actually waiting to see someone I knew, but never spoke to but it never really came about. Either I knew them but spoke to them, or I didn't know them at all. Sorry for the uneventful day, but I'll handle it tomorrow if anything.

Day 12:
What's your type? Mark it off as a reminder for drunken parties.

1 comment:

Ana Vi. said...

You are officially a part of our "Intrigues"!