Monday, January 7, 2008

Argument Hour: Parents

To be honest, I love the way my life is going. Everything may not be in order, but the way it is going as of right now, I am very excited about. Life is tough you don't always get what you want, but I had a conversation with my sister and my cousin the other day, about my family, the parents and just how we are, and it opened up my eyes.

The triggering statement was
"There are some things about our family you just can't change. We're ghetto, I don't know if she's ready for that"

I left the room to play poker in what my experience is, the typical Filipino style, party set up. The mothers huddled up together somewhere inside, cooking, cleaning, gossiping or watching TV. The kids running around the house or playing video games. And the dad's and few mom's that are down in the garage drinking and gambling. And so I took my seat at the table.

I admit, I always knew what it was like in the garage, I used to be on of the kids running around. But I never actually involved myself in the festivities that are a Filipino garage. I took my seat at the poker table and tried to find my place in this unfamiliar territory. It came with a rush after my first winning hand. A big pot, and then another and then another. They began to see me as legitimate competition. The rest was a rush. It came with high fives, magic sing, beer and shots.

This is where I came to my conclusion, and the point of my argument. Here at bomb$hell we pride ourselves in the life we live. And perhaps, the life we live is not all so different from those of our parents.

A few examples:
We learned Mah Jong from where? BT's dad
We're ghetto and like to drink and kick it with the bam. That's essentially Filipino garage.

I'm not sure, how well of a point I made, but I like knowing that I can just as easily kick it in the garage and talk to my dad about the same things I do with my friends.


JLeague said...

Good read... if i could give you kudos id give you 2...

yabbasaid said...

lol.. reminds me of when we were at justines lolas house. ahhh.. good times