Saturday, January 26, 2008

This Book Will Change Your Life: Day 25

Day 25:
Come to terms with the various things you'll never get to do.

I know I've been lacking in this department as of late, but there has been a lot going on. No worries, I have been doing the days, it's just some of them turned out to be far less eventful than I hoped, and why would I post something that no one wanted to read.

The task was interesting. The book actually provided a list of things. And to be honest, all my life, I've said I want to experience everything. And to be honest you really can't. And as much as I try, and as much as I fight there are definitely tasks that will not be accomplished. I mean, how can I be a movie star/singer/lawyer/doctor/street vendor. Right? I want to experience everything so I can be everything to those who want me to be that for them.

Here were some of my favorites from the book
Become a queen
Feel like batman
Give birth to a goatboy

Here's the line-up for the next few days

Day 26:
Choose what you'd like to be reincarnated as
Day 27:
You are not allowed to say yes or no. Only variations of the two.
Day 28:
Choose your final meal on death row and make it
Day 29:
Dial a random phone number and read a script in a deep south accent.

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