Wednesday, January 9, 2008

she said, he said...

homeless man asked me for change and i offered, while digging in my pocket, he asked me how my day was. I told him its not too great, then he says ," you're alive right... above the ground, thats the best thing anyone can have."-Jesse-

he also told me to tell it to everyone i know.

1 comment:

Simon Stargazer III said...


Do you suppose

The homeless in Venice

Tread water a lot?

When he said what he said to you, you should have told him that there are no homeless in Heaven. Everyone can find a home there.

I like the passion in your blog.


Accentuates all
Success stories
Of category or person,
Now, in the past or the future

Jim Haworth AKA Simon Stargazer III

*Written for Lori, who says it’s her favorite word.