Friday, October 12, 2007

Argument Hour: Where America Can Do Better 2


The American media has an important role. They are the gateway to information for many people who do not have the time to research every little aspect of life. I think that it is within this we need more probing news. I do not doubt that the news prods and pokes at different things. But, there are definitely segments of their broadcast that are needless. You do not need to criticize and ridicule everything that Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton or Britney Spears does. Leave that to Entertainment News or Access Hollywood.

As far as CNN and Fox News goes, this will never happen, but I have some ideas. Fuck this whole biased shit. Don't skew your reports to seem more liberal, more conservative, more this or more that. Just report the fuckin news. Let us decide for ourselves. You are just allowing the United States to become dumb. They're beginning to believe everything and I mean everything you say, and spitting it back out like it is their own knowledge. That's why I say question what you hear. There are too many ways for people to speak to get what they want. Read the Tipping Point, or take a stats class, or even a business writing class. They'll show you how you can speak to get what you want. But all this bias does, is make us resort to pettiness.

If all the news companies could speak like this to convey their way, then they are going to find any means to one up the competition. You know what then ends up happening? "This company is ignorant." or "That candidate is an idiot." Is this not what happened to Bush. Like I said, spit it back out. Bush is an idiot why? Because he's not a good public speaker? Just because he sounds like one? Or because you disagree with the war in Iraq? Or because that's how the media portrays him?

I don't know, sometimes all this stuff just seems a little too convenient!

Candidate Overviews. Pros and Cons of who you could vote for, if you actually decide to get up and vote!

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