Friday, October 26, 2007

Argument Hour - Professions

I admit the idea for this post came from a friends blog. But that's what I'm all about right? Provoking thought gangster.

Nevertheless. It's weird to see that people cannot be passionate about what they do. In any situation. In respects to my friend's post, it's weird that some doctors and some people studying to be doctors aren't in it for the right reasons. I really truly believe that anyone can do whatever they put their mind to. Although it may be hard to do, if you really have a passion for it, you can get it accomplished. This is way beyond grades and higher education, but just within your desire, and dedication.

Would you want someone taking care of you who didn't really want to? Now apply this to any situation. Would you want a doctor to handle your illness, without caring if you get better or not? Would you want someone to sell you a car when he really doesn't care to? Think of the quality of what you're getting.

I recently worked at circuit city, and it had its perks. But, I only worked there for a good 3 days and I couldn't stand it. Why? Everyone lacked emotion. I would talk to people, and they wouldn't answer back. I'd ask for direction and they would go off and do their own thing. I understand that sometimes, life can be mundane, and things aren't what you expect it to be. But this is all within perception people. I could have learned all that stuff by myself, and been that lively person at the store. But this circuit city was beyond repair. From the management on down to the salespeople, everyone went about their work day like robots. This wasn't the problem. The problem was that all this transferred out to their products, and their store.

Truth shines above all else, people can see when you're being sincere. Some are better at faking it, but you can still tell. So liven up. A simple smile, a warmer tone of voice or a sincere "How are you?" Could bring back more conversation to perhaps brighten up your day.

So as far as professions go here is my point:

  • Go into your jobs, however mundane it may be, and do it. To the best of your ability. With the thought that what you do, affects everyone. I know that this is easier said than done, but nonetheless, at least try. Put a smile on, help people if they need it or get to know them. This is what you chose for your life. I'm not talking jobs, this is your bread and butter. Because passion is powerful. Doctors get to know your patients, salespeople get to know your customer. We are all in this world together, so having passion and conviction and putting it into your work benefits everyone, including you.


nar said...

Passion is what drives someone to do something. Without passion, people would not get anywhere. Yet there are some people in this world where they lose passion. It's sad to say that they just don't care anymore. But hey, thats them.

But yea, I followed my passion. And I still love it.

Mia said...

Ummmmm, I think I know whos blog! Hahaha, well someone anonymously left me a comment on that post & it really made my day-- read it, its good.