Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Argument Hour

So I was bored one day and thought of the idea of a tv show called the marketing perspective. Where people basically sold people things that really did not selling. The whole concept was, that a good marketer, would be able to place a product somewhere that it would make money, or be able to be sold. So I'm going to work that whole thing out on this blog with something I'd like to call the argument hour.

And today's show!

"Unorigniality = Originality"

In this day in age, where everyone is trying to be different. Aren't you being different by following the trends and being unoriginal. Everyone goes to hypebeast, thrift stores, concerts or whatever. And when you buy clothes at these places, what're you getting? You're getting proof that you've been here or there and someone else hasn't. You're buying clothes at thrift stores, that were once used but are no longer widely distributed. You're getting whatever hypebeast tells you, because their style is different. They know of the latest trends and fashions that you can't find at Macy's or Target or most malls. You're buying individuality. And everyone is doing it. So in turn, would you not be different by doing what the norm does. Because the norm is based off of majority, but they act based on belief. Therefore, if all of their beliefs are coincidentally the same, then you are straying away from the norm by believing otherwise.

This is not what I'm advocating, but this is what I'm selling. So if you want to buy it, do some fuckin research!

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