Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Movies: The Darjeeling Limited

A movie that encourages thought? To be honest, I have not watched this movie, but I have read a bit about it, and actually after reading a recent article in USA Today, have a renewed passion to go watch the movie. The open ended plot to the movie leaves a lot to question. For example, why does Bill Murray show up in the beginning of the movie? Or what is with the little snippet "Hotel Chevalier" before the film have to do with anything? Why does Natalie Portman have bruises? And what exactly is the movie about? Just a few questions to provoke thought. So if you've seen the movie, let us know what you think?


Messy Jessie said...

it is seriously my favorite movie.
although, i am disappointed i did not get to see that short film in the beginning :[

Messy Jessie said...

"According to trade reports, the short will only be shown during festival screenings and will not accompany Darjeeling when it hits theaters on September 29th."

How sad.
So that's why I didnt get to see it!

beetea said...

i hear that you can see natalie portman's buttt in the short film from the beginning. Jessica, you can watch it for free on itunes! butt butt butt.