Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Argument Hour: Graf Part 1: Cover Up!

There's a lot to talk about, when it comes to graf, so I've split it up into several different argument hours. Here is your part 1.

A short Bomb$hell background:

The essence of what bomb$hell is, started off in graf. That's what it's been about. The idea of art, and underground movements, and the possibility of epidemic. We came up with the idea of bomb$hell, as a store, where we could share art, ideas, thoughts and what not. I'll stop there, because we're straight copyright. Nevertheless, to bomb, is to go out on the streets and spread your tag, your throwie, whatever but it was the idea of getting up there.

This segment of "Argument Hour: Graf" is to deal with the idea of the cover up. Basically, getting buffed out. Whether it be, getting sandblasted or painted over, or repaved, I've seen to many instances why this is horrible, so here is my argument.

  1. True artists will reign supreme. You may see throwies all around, good bad, whatever. But as far as real graf goes, there is no need to paint over these little pieces, because at the end of the day, they'll get painted over by bigger better pieces. A throwie will get covered by a piece, a piece will get covered by some wildstyle, but whatever is best will come out on top.
  2. More harm than good. We'll all see these walls, that are covered with off colored blocks. The failed attempts of the city/transportation agency, to cover up art work put up by legitamite artists, or at times artists in training. Isn't it true that at times, all these blocks look a lot more horrible than what it is covering.
  3. Environment. One of the reasons why I love San Francisco so much, is that you can walk around town and see all this beautiful artwork up. Whether it be just words or pictures, but it's all around. It's on walls, on trucks, in buildings and out. They have let the true artists reign supreme. Work that provokes thought, engages the eye and adds to the overall equity of the city. It's what I've come to expect from "the city". And I look forward to every trip.
Look, I'm not advocating tagging on people's homes, on children's hang outs. But where there is nothing really going on. Why not? Why not allow people to perform their talents and get people to enjoy every little crevice of the earth. You judge for yourself. But as for me. I feel that sometimes, you got to let it run its course and allow this work to keep getting better and better

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