Friday, October 19, 2007

He said, she said

Hello hello.
Just wanted to introduce myself. As some of you may know, I am nar and I would like to say thank you to marcus and all of the bloggers to allow me to join the crew. I see good stuff coming from this and I hope to add pepper to the pot. Yea I don't know, but I am going to start off by posting a quote randomly every now and then. Just want to give you, the readers, something small to look at. And hey, it might spark a thought or two. We will call it...

He said, she said...

"I'd rather be a pro at being myself than be an idiot trying to be someone else."
- Soul Position, Blueprint


virg said...


Messy Jessie said...

word to that quote.
people dont know that originality and being true to yourself is the most attractive asset someone can have.