Saturday, September 27, 2008

Banksy Update

We posted an entry a few weeks back about Banksy, and who he was. I was looking through a few articles, and actually got my first glimpse of what the actual Englishman looked like. I have his book, and have looked through parts of it, but never actually saw an actual picture of the man himself. Nevertheless, before the hurricanes arrived this year, Banksy went through New Orleans painting up a storm. And what it seems, is that people have been going through the Lower Ninth Ward cutting out his pieces and keeping it as their own. Shoot, I would too if I was there. The remaining pieces that can't be cut out, have been getting painted over.
Enjoy your Saturday folks


see. BLANCO said...

id swoop on it too, the value of this work is bank

beetea said...

yah thatd be tight piece to have