Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Day In The Life: Resolutions

I've said a bunch of times what I want to be and what I want to do. It's definitely a hazy subject in my head because there's so much to do, so much to see and definitely not enough time to do it all. But while I'm here on earth I am going to try my best to explore every facet of who I am. This year I'm going to do that through resolutions, and you all are going to help me.

Here are my resolutions

Take care of business:
Here at Bomb$hell, we take pride in the life we live. Whether you see it as good or bad, we are who we are and we love the lives we live. No matter how different we are. And that leads us to business. This is what everyone hopes they can do, live the life they live, have fun, and be able to live off of it. This year I am making a promise to you, that I am going to take care of business here at bomb$hell, and things are going to develop.

Do something new everyday:
This is going to be fairly simple, but only because there's another post behind this one.

Take my mind off of relationships:
I've always said that I don't need a relationship to be happy. And really, I don't. Thing is though, that I've spent too much time thinking about how relationships could make my life better, and not enough time on how I can be better without being in one. This doesn't mean that if the right girl comes along, that I'm going to deny her. I'd be an idiot if I did so, but what I am saying, is that I'm going to stop pressuring myself into finding interest in people, but instead letting it come naturally. This one actually coincides with taking care of business, because as far as I'm concerned right now, relationships are not anywhere near the top of the priorities list. (But pray that I find a good girl this year) HAHA! So here's the gist of the resolution. As per my next resolution, I want to talk to you, and hopefully you'll be a regular good conversation. And from there we'll see where it leads, if it's nowhere that's fine, and if not that's okay too. I'll keep this updated with information, but we'll see how it all goes.

Have a good conversation
at least once a day:
We meet so many people everyday, but not too often do we really get into how they are. I admit, I ask and I wouldn't mind hearing if they are doing good or bad. But all too often it's used as small talk. "How are you?" is usually answered with a "I'm good" or something of the like. But this year, I want to get to know how you are doing, how life really is, if there is anything on your mind or if you have any good stories you've been waiting to tell. A tough task indeed, because there are definitely going to be occasions where things will be referenced that I might not have been part of before. But nonetheless, I want to get to know my community (you guys) a lot better this year.

We'll see how this year goes, and hopefully I'll get to have a good conversation with you sometime soon. But as far as right now we've got 2 days left in the year, and I've been saying it, so I'm going to say it one last time. I WANT A REALLY DIRTY SLATE TO WIPE CLEAN THIS NEW YEARS! So let's get down with the nitty gritty and do something gangster. Haha (just as long as no one gets hurt)

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