Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain Propaganda

Is this really what we're resorting to now America? Low brow comments on our presidential candidates? Why is it that an election can no longer be won on the needs of America? That McCain and Palin need to push their smear campaign so hard, to the point that people are calling Barack a terrorist? What's next? Saying that every person not a white Anglo Saxon is inferior? I hate to take it that far folks, but let's just put it this way. I'm tired of people saying that Obama is a terrorist. That if he gets elected president, that it's the end of the world. Is the only way to win an election to instill fear in the hearts of Americans? First of all, we're not idiots, if McCain, or Obama mess up, we'll impeach them, not an easy process, but I'm sure as hell if Barack were really a terrorist he'd be out of the oval office faster than you can snap your fingers. Because I'm not looking for someone to tell me I should fear this or fear that. Where has that brought us? I want someone that brings about hope. I want someone with solid ideas on how to make America better, not to dig it into a bigger hole. America did not become a super power by bringing about fear, of terrorism or of anything for that matter. They became strong through perserverance, and hope. The thought that, great things can happen in America. Where's my American dream? You give me that McCain, maybe I'll vote for you. Maybe. Let's keep it clean, and focus on the issues, not what has happened, but what needs to happen, what's going to happen and how we as America can be better.

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