Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Argument Hour: Zeitgeist

Be educated. Sometimes easier said than done. But as of right now, I beg, I beg, I beg, that you keep informed. Do your own research, and figure out things for yourself.

Here is my point. Zeitgeist is meant to open eyes, and provoke thought. So think. Although there are many truths, think of different ways things can be misconstrued. And do your own research. Personally, I have only partially watched the movie, due to time constraints and so forth, but due to my religious affiliation I was forced to monitor and re-evaluate some of the things expressed in part 1 of the film. I am not doubting or putting down the movie, but once again, I beg you to keep on your toes.

Now, I am not saying that this kid has any proof either, but I am saying, he could be telling the truth. Just like the people in this film could be doing the same. Take in knowledge but do it cautiously. Statistics are a good example, of why you should be wary. Furthermore, take the example of those 9/11 bulletins, stating all this adds up to 911, or whatever, it was completely false. Be aware people, stay informed, be educated. Also, think of it in reverse, maybe the bible was not influenced by these constellations, but perhaps the constellations and the zodiac was influenced by the bible. As for Zeitgeist, I'll reserve judgement for a later date.

Parts 2 & 3:
I am not going to deny part 2. I believe our government did have a lot to do behind the 9/11 attacks. But why, is what I guess is the question. Just look at what the Bush family in itself had to gain from them. Increase in the price of shares for the companies they held stock in as well as greater power through the patriot act. But thing is, how did any of this happen. Money and greed. That's what we need to fight against. It's horrible that people can think they need that much money and care only of themselves. But nonetheless it happens. In part three, they talk about the depression, but it was cause by more than just the failure of banks. Yes it was caused by everyone withdrawing their money, and banks having no reserves to back loans, and what not. But once again there are other contributing factors, perhaps deeper than Morgan's contribution. But yet again. STAY INFORMED! DO NOT, TAKE WHAT I AM SAYING AS TRUTH! But take it as a reminder that there is always much more happening.

I guess in light of this I'll pose a question, to what extent do you believe that ignorance is bliss?

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