Saturday, March 29, 2008

Argument Hour: Why does it matter?

I saw this commercial and it made me want to post.

but this is why. Why the hell does it matter. That's always a legitimate question.

"Hey my name is Jello."
"Why the hell does that matter?"

maybe not in such a mean sense. Perhaps, "how could this be of importance to me" But this is the point I am trying to make. If you're putting effort into something, let's try to make sure it serves a purpose. Don't say needless shit. No need to talk crap or to hate, unless you're really truly trying to inflict some damage. And if you really are trying to inflict damage, than make sure it's directed in the right areas. This is my point. You don't see a point guard juke left, and dribble right, just to end up in the same position. He's trying to move forward. So stop shuckin and jivin if it isn't really doing anything or if you don't have any plan on doing better.

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