Monday, March 10, 2008

Argument Hour: Competition

I haven't been on this for a while, a sad truth, but I thought since I had some time, I'd write something about how I've been feeling lately, a little segway into a future project why this is that and that is this. But for now, this is why everything is everything. And everything is competition

Let's start it with this. You can see everything is competition. Good vs. Bad, Red vs. Blue, Yes vs. No. But with every competition, there needs to be a winner and loser. And who decides the winner? Because in the case of good and bad. If it was a competition of who was nicer, then the good would always win, but if it was a competition of who was meaner, than the bad would always win. And in every case, there could be arguments. Who decides what is mean? Who decides what is good? Who can really say that this is more mean than that.

So take another example, Basketball (just because playoffs are comin up). Basketball is a competition, in which, these competitions arise. Who is the best player, who can beat who to the basket, who can score the most points, who has the best team, and so many more. But this is why you have to take EVERYTHING into account in this situation. With every competition, you are trying to outwit your opponent. Yes there is tons of skill involved, but at the end of the day, if you can utilize any skill you have and match it up perfectly with your opponents, you will arise the victor. So as one person trying to beat another, you have to utilize, your knowledge against theirs.

So a journey to the basket results in this. Are they the kind of person to fall for this trick, do they know I'm left handed, or are they weak on the right side. You do the math in your head, they have this long a reach, I am this far from the basket, I have to put this much force on the ball from here, or 2 points plus my last 28 gives me 30 for the game.. haha. You utilize the games psychology fake out your player, and come out the victor of this round.

Random thoughts, but you want me to argue about why this is that? Give me some thoughts or ideas, I've been feelin like writing lately

1 comment:

JLeague said...

Biggie is that you... i love the analogy..