Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bomb$hell Beauty of the Year???

March-Mia Troche

February-Louise Glover

January-Somaya Reece

December-Leticia Cline

November-Betty Lipstick


September-Leryn Franco

August-Angel Lola

July-Jill "Horiyuki" Bonny

June-Charlotte McKenna


April Monica Leigh
For those of you who follow our site, I’ve been keeping our eyes happy every month with a new beautiful woman to drool at. Its already been a year since I’ve doing this, and I want all of you to decide who should hold the title of bomb$hell beauty of the year. I will announce the winner one week from now, please let me know what you think before then. I am also open to suggestions, is there anything that all of you would want to see different? Is there anything I should change? Your opinion matters, let me know.


see. BLANCO said...

it was between Mia Torche and Charlotte McKenna and I pick Charlotte.

virg said...

I'm gonna have to go with Betty Lipstick... ooo wee

Peter fails said...


beetea said...

either May-Bella, Jill, or Betty. they got something i want...

gnawledge said...

my top 3 are charlotte, betty and mia