Thursday, April 30, 2009

Beer Fest 2009!

Over the past weekend, Jello, Ana, and I attend Beer Fest 2009 at Fort Mason, SF. There are no words to describe how amazing it was, actually there are. It felt like I was in the Wonka Chocolate Factory for beer, kinda like that one episode from Family Guy, hah. But anyway, you get your own tiny mug and roam around for the goods. There was an unlimited amount of beer with over 300 different types and not to mention, they had B$ very favorite...Red Horse! Aside from beer, there was an assortment of free food and gifts, but those were somewhat limited unless you were smart and hit up all those spots first. I've never cheered with so many people at once and forreal, everyone in there had a smile on their face, haha. I recommend a B$ field trip to next year's festival, that is if our wallets permits. woot woot, enjoy the pics.first drankGuinness giving you the fingercheering with everyonethe mob calmly enjoying the pizzahomie KO'd at the exit door while tying his shoe, haha.


markiebe said...

i am still saddened that i did not buy tickets in time. sigh.

virg said...

oo.. you all should've went.. next year fa sho!!

see. BLANCO said...

word! I should of went too, next time lets bring the beer bong to this event.

see. BLANCO said...

word! I should of went too, next time lets bring the beer bong to this event.