Thursday, November 6, 2008

Smart Lock

The smart lock is designed by Mike Lambourne, a product designer from London. The main concept of the lock was to keep your bike safe"r", more info is provided below from the site.

"SmartLock is a cable lock that has cores of compressed air and liquid running through its body. If cut, the liquids spray out over the perpetrator, his tools, the bike and the scene of the crime. A bike that has been stolen will be covered in coloured dye (the dye renders the bike undesirable and therefore unsellable ) as well as transluscent Smartwater - an invisible forensic property marking liquid."

But I honestly think if someone wants to jack your bike, they'll take it anyway. But... if the lock shot out scrap metals and can harm the thief, i'll feel better knowing that my bike got jacked.


J.LEAGUE said...

Haha instead of a lock that marks your bike when the chain is cut. I'd want a cut proof chain..

markiebe said...

how bout a lock that electrocutes the thief?

see. BLANCO said...

thats why i pick up an alarm