Saturday, May 10, 2008

RTB Warm Up: Kidz in the Hall

You know how we do at Bomb$hell. People do your homework. Get your ish together. Here's a warm-up for this upcoming festival


markiebe said...

do your homework, thats my line! Anyways the one in LA this year has a seating chart. Some bullshit right there!

virg said...

yeah forreal.. that was gonna be my next post..

how're people supposed to walk around..

or live it.. it was sick previous years, cause people were down to freestyle, and just get live with it..

seating charts.. NOT live!

beetea said...

dam seating charts? we need to come up with a new plan guys!

JLeague said...

what else can i brotha do?

markiebe said...

I say we get lawn tickets and get fucked up. We'll need binoculars and megaphones.